The Greater Midland Tennis Center is one of the first of its kind to build an entire program around adults and their tennis. We have programs designed for the pure beginner through the advanced level. Our goal is to provide you with the skills to make tennis a lifelong sport that you can share with friends and family for years to come.

Tennis 101 & 102

101 - This 60-minute class is designed for adult beginners/advanced beginners, or for those returning to the game after a prolonged hiatus. The objectives are for players to know basic rules and etiquette, understand equipment/grips, and learn to rally with 2-4 players on court.

102 - The next step for tennis 101 players, advanced beginner/intermediate players, or those wanting a refresher course on fundamentals. This 90-minute class uses drills and instruction to review basic strokes/grips, rallying with a purpose, and work on court position for singles/doubles.


Emphasis: Stroke Technique | Rating: 2.0 & up | Ages 12 & up

We are now offering this class on a Session basis. Classes offer a chance to slow things down and focus 60 minutes on repetition of proper technique for all strokes. Lots of feeding and the occasional use of the ball machine gives players the repetition needed for consistency. Children aged 13+ are welcome to attend with a parent.

Beginner to intermediate clinic

Emphasis: Strategy/Tactics/Match Play | Rating: 2.0-3.5

This Clinic will be going over court positioning, tactics, techniques and strategies. The focus will be doubles skills but will also be great for singles players. Sign up for this class if you are moving up from LTP 2 or want a slower paced more instructional drills class.

Sweat it off

Emphasis: Workout & Play | Rating: 2.5 & up

60 minute class offered during lunchtime. Similar to Cardio Tennis but without the use of fitness equipment.

Cardio Tennis

Emphasis: Workout | Rating: 2.0 & up

60 minute class with use of fitness equipment built in. Little tennis experience needed, just the desire to move all out, play a lot of points, and hit a ton of balls.


Emphasis: Strategy/Tactics/Match Play | Rating: 2.5 & up

This 90 minute drill is a great launching point to enter our world of drop ins.Lots of feeding, repetition, and tons of point play for mostly doubles withsome singles. Good place for Learn to Play players to go to next.

3.0+ Drills/Holy Drills

Emphasis: Repetition & Games | Rating: 3.0 & up

Open to all players 3.0 and up, wanting a good amount offeeding for repetitions with plenty of doubles situationalpoint play. Lots and lots of balls hit in this 90 minute drill.

Advanced 3.5+ Drills

Emphasis: Repetition & Games | Rating: 3.5 & up

Similar format to the Drills, Drills, Drills, just at a higher level. Must have a 3.5 or higher rating to participate.



Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America! Easy to learn and fun to play, Pickleball uses a short court, whiffle ball and a paddle. Never played before? No worries! We have Pickleball Paddles and balls available to rent and purchase and offer open play times as well as Learn to Play classes! Come check it out! 

Men and Women's Drop-In (2.75+)

Two hours of rotating doubles organized by member coordinators mean you meet new members, make new friends and enjoy delicious food, while socializing.   

Beginner Clinic

Emphasis: Introduction & Education | Rating: N/A

You must have heard about this crazy new sport that is the fastest growing sport in the USA! Sign up for this class to get introduced to the rules, scoring and even some strategies and tactics.


Emphasis: Technique & Strategy | Rating: 3.0-3.5

Take your game from rec player to local tournament hero in this intermediate to advanced pickleball clinic. Most players need to harness their power and patience. We will work to master those in this class to be tournament ready!

Advanced Clinic

Emphasis: Repetition & Tactics | Rating: 4.0+

This group is going to meet to help raise the level of each others game.Pickleball players need to practice more. We will be working dinking consistency and strategies, speed ups, and more in this drill group.

Intra-Club Leagues 

Play to win! Competition is what it’s all about! Men’s, women’s, mixed, singles, doubles- we have the league for you!

Contact Jessie Lehr at for more information or to get on the sub list.


ADULT USTA LEAGUES - Register now!

USTA Leagues are a great way to travel and compete throughout the year. Join or form a team at your same level, practice together with one of our pros, and show off your skills against teams throughout the state.